2.早稲田大学校友会 年会費5年分前納:25,000円(納入から5年間有効)
・通常のクレジットカード利用と同様の扱いで口座引落しとなり、利用明細書には『PayPal: WASEDA ALUMI』と表示されます。
〒169-8050 東京都新宿区戸塚町1-104
E-Mail: alumni-office@list.waseda.jp
Please be sure to read the following.
This application form is for those who DO NOT live in Japan
To identify you smoothly, please fill out the form as much as possible.
*For those who live in Japan, please pay the fee by “Waseda Card”,
automatic payment from bank account, or payment slip (For details,
please contact Alumni Association Office.).
URL(in Japanese): http://www.waseda.jp/alumni/about/fee.html
[Types of Payment]
1. Membership fee : 5000 yen (valid for one year)
2. Membership fee : 25000 yen (valid for five years)
3. Specially recommended alumni fee : 50,000yen (valid for ten years)
*We only accept lump-sum payment(non-installment).
[Notes on Settlement Process]
Please be aware that registering to apply online does not constitute the completion of application procedures. PayPal will be used for payment. After Waseda Alumni Association confirms your application, approval mail will be sent to your e-mail address. Please read the mail and proceed to the payment procedure as soon as you receive the approval mail.
You cannot cancel/change the application. We do not refund as well.
Please make sure that you choose correct payment type and amount of money before submitting your application.
After you submit, an e-mail will be sent to the mail address you input. Please make sure to confirm it.
You cannot get a tax breaks.
“PayPal: WASEDA ALUMI” will be indicated on your credit card bill
In case that Alumni Association cannot identify your information or your credit card company cannot take money from your bank account, they may contact you.
[Personal Information]
Your personal information is used to receive the fee of Alumni Association, to send postal items or other materials, and to provide various services etc.
Alumni Association keeps the information which you provided under lock and key.
* Inquiries about Waseda University Alumni Association:
Waseda University Alumni Association
1-104, Totsuka-machi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050 Japan
E-Mail: alumni-office@list.waseda.jp